Biz Info: Accessing Capital

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How Will You Finance Your Business Growth?
Once your business is up and running you may need to raise more money to pay for expansion and growth. You will also require money for your daily operating expenses.

As with start up, your business can be financed through debt (borrowed money) or equity (invested money). The type of financing you seek depends on how much you need and how you plan on using it. However, as your business begins to make a profit, you can use that money to pay for its continued growth, offer ownership in exchange for financial help or sell equity interests in the company.

Once you have determined the type of financing that you require your next step may be investor readiness. Becoming investor ready will require you to know your business inside out so that you can attract investment in your business.

Financial Options
What are Your Financial Options for Growth?
  • COBRA - This is a commercial business return analyzer that assists food processors to perform financial planning and budgeting. COBRA is delivered in a workshop format and covers risk assessment, historical trend analysis, cash flow planning, cost of production and much more

For more information on COBRA please contact Ron Lyons - Manager, Commercialization and Business Incubation, Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator

Sources of Financing
Where Will You Access Capital?
Investor Readiness
How Will You Work With Investors?
Phone the Ag-Info Centre, toll-free in Alberta at 310-FARM (3276), for assistance.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Kathy Bosse.
This document is maintained by Ordella Knopf.
This information published to the web on November 16, 2016.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 6, 2018.