Welcome to The Alberta Soil Information Viewer | |
| Important Status Update
On-line Soil Viewer ![](/$department/deptdocs.nsf/ba3468a2a8681f69872569d60073fde1/4127d793550b50f687257b510073875f/Information/0.3F4!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif) | Read How to:
| Download* and Watch How to:
*Downloading these files work best on Google Chrome and Firefox browsers
This free Internet viewer allows the user to view and query soils information in AGRASID (Agricultural Region of Alberta Soil Inventory Database). The spatial and related soil landscape attribute files of AGRASID are available for download through this link.
- Easily accessible via the Internet
- Now accessible by both Apple, Android, and Blackberry tablet and smart phone devices NEW
- "User-friendly" soil landscape descriptions
- Incorporates landscape images and a variety of spatial base layers including ortho photographs and ArcGIS Online base map services
- Describes soil landscapes for land within the agricultural region (“white zone”) of Alberta - approximately 26 million hectares (64 million acres)
- Seamless Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial data and relational data file
- Intended for representation at a scale of approximately 1:100 000
The viewer is intended to be a resource tool to assist land managers and producers in making general land management decisions. However, the viewer should not be considered the sole source of soils information for detailed land management planning. Due to the inherent variability of soils within the landscape, site specific evaluations for detailed site planning is necessary.
For specific areas of the province you may find more detailed soils information on hard copy maps. Copies of soil maps and reports for most of the geographic area of Alberta as well as related AGRASID information and metadata can be accessed through links provided in the ABOUT PAGE, within the viewer.
Contact the Ag-Info Centre, toll-free in Alberta at 310-FARM (3276), for further soil viewer information. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact David Spiess.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on October 31, 2005.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 10, 2019.